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Mavis Market


Mavis Market is an NFT marketplace where anyone can buy, sell, and showcase their digital assets. With smart contracts deployed on the Ronin network, the marketplace represents a powerful tool for game developers looking to feature their NFT projects to reach a broader audience and generate revenue.


  • Primary NFT sales through Mavis Launchpad: raise funds by selling NFT items to the community with Mavis Launchpad.
  • Secondary NFT sales through Mavis Market: reach a broader audience by listing your NFT collection on Mavis Market after your primary sale on Mavis Launchpad or another platform.

Listing your NFT collection on Mavis Market

When you list your collection on Mavis Market, it means your project's primary sales may have already occurred on other platforms or even joined our Mavis Launchpad for a primary sale. This may involve minting NFTs and distributing them through methods such as airdrops or rewards via your platform. If your project resides on other blockchain networks, migrating it to Ronin provides the path for your NFT collection to flourish on Mavis Market.

Upon listing, we showcase your NFT project on our platform, and users can start buying, selling, transferring, or making offers.

Launching your NFT collection with Mavis Launchpad

Mavis Launchpad is a dynamic NFT launchpad platform that lets you mint NFT collections, providing the ideal avenue to raise funds. This platform lets creators mint NFTs for the first time, allowing them to sell their collections to the community.

Using the launchpad, you can launch your collection on a first-come-first-serve basis or through mystery boxes, each with its unique mechanics.

Apply for listing

Interested in featuring your NFT project on our marketplace? Fill in the survey: Apply for listing.

Fees and royalties

Whenever somebody buys an NFT on Mavis Market, you as the creator receive a royalty payment. As the seller, you bear several fees associated with the transaction. For more information, see Fees and royalties.

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