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Integration milestones


When integrating with App Tracking, you can do so incrementally, by adding various metrics over time, based on the suggested milestones described on this page.

Milestone 0: Active users and retention


You are tracking identify events.

Metrics provided

The following metrics are provided. The value of X is configurable, with the default value being 30 days.

Daily active users/devices (DAU)The number of active users and devices on a given day.
Weekly active users/devices (WAU)The number of active users and devices on the previous 7-day period.
Monthly active users/devices (MAU)The number of active users and devices on the previous 30-day period.
New usersThe number of active users that were new to the system.
Retained usersThe number of active users that were also active in the last X days.
Re-engaged usersThe number of active users that were not active in the last X days, but were not a newly active user.
Retention ratesThe ratio of users that were active on day 0 that also active on day X.

Milestone 1: Session duration


  • You're tracking identify events.
  • session_id reflects your desired business session semantics.
  • heartbeat events are sent periodically via a track event. We recommend sending heartbeat events frequently, ideally in a sub-minute manner (30 seconds per heartbeat event or even less).


    "uuid": "bd36eb67-057a-4350-a6dc-876bf69fb4af",
"event": "heartbeat",
"ref": "root",
"timestamp": "2020-07-10 15:00:00",
"session_id": "03d7be98-e4aa-474f-95c4-e38959802a45",
"offset": 211,
"user_id": "1ec9eb6f-3f66-6f9f-a60c-b01a7149cfda",

Milestone 2: Funnel analysis


You're tracking screen events.

Milestone 3.1: Using track for error tracking


  • You're tracking identify events.
  • The following fields are required in action_properties:
error_levelStringRequiredOne of the following: Info, Debug, Warning, Error, CriticalError
error_codeStringRequiredIdentifier of the error, should match to your internal implementationio::ErrorKind::InvalidData
error_messageStringRequiredHuman-readable message of the errorInvalid axie gene data
error_stacktraceStringRequiredThe stack-trace of the error{}
metadataDictRequiredInformation on the context, platform, environment, etc.{}


    "ref": "root",
"action": "error",
"action_properties": {
"error_level": "Error",
"error_code": "io::ErrorKind::InvalidData",
"error_message": "Invalid axie gene data",
"error_stacktrace": {},
"metadata": {}

Milestone 3.2: Using track for monetization tracking on Web2


  • You're tracking identify events.
  • For Web2-related monetization, the following fields are required in action_properties:
bundle_idStringRequiredIdentifier for the items bundlexmas_runes_01
bundle_package_itemsListRequiredThe list of the actual items for the bundle, where each element is [collection_address, token_id, amount][["xmas_rune_01", "100"]]
bundle_paid_idStringRequiredThe payment id for the bundle that was paid by the buyerUSD_99
bundle_paid_amountStringRequiredThe payment amount that was paid by the buyer99
bundle_paid_currencyStringRequiredThe address of the token contract that was used as the paymentUSD
platformDictRequiredThe platform that was used for the paymentGoogle Play Store
tx_refStringRequiredThe transaction reference/identifier for the payment0x756f1654a8464675800d40138f61b9a0dd4a37b07066181916aa43fe617a3c04


    "ref": "root",
"action": "monetization_web2",
"action_properties": {
"bundle_id": "xmas_runes_01",
"bundle_package_items": [
["xmas_rune_01", "100"]
"bundle_paid_amount": "99",
"bundle_paid_currency": "USD",
"platform": "Google Play Store",
"tx_ref": "0x756f1654a8464675800d40138f61b9a0dd4a37b07066181916aa43fe617a3c04"

Milestone 3.3: Using track for monetization tracking on Web3


  • You're tracking identify events.
  • For Web3-related monetization, the following fields are required in action_properties:
bundle_idStringRequiredIdentifier for the items bundlexmas_rune_01
bundle_package_itemsListRequiredThe list of the actual items for the bundle, where each element is [collection_address, token_id, amount][["0x75...c04", "0x101", "100"]]
bundle_paid_idStringRequiredThe payment id for the bundle that was paid by the buyerRON_99
bundle_paid_amountStringRequiredThe payment amount that was paid by the buyer99
bundle_paid_currencyStringRequiredThe address of the token contract that was used as the payment0xe514d9deb7966c8be0ca922de8a064264ea6bcd4
platformDictRequiredThe platform that was used for the paymentRonin Network
tx_refStringRequiredThe transaction hash for the payment0x756f1654a8464675800d40138f61b9a0dd4a37b07066181916aa43fe617a3c04


    "ref": "root",
"action": "monetization_web3",
"action_properties": {
"bundle_id": "xmas_rune_01",
"bundle_package_items": [
["0x756f1654a8464675800d40138f61b9a0dd4a37b07066181916aa43fe617a3c04", "0x101", "100"],
["0x756f1654a8464675800d40138f61b9a0dd4a37b07066181916aa43fe617a3c04", "0x102", "100"]
"bundle_paid_amount": "99",
"bundle_paid_currency": "0xe514d9deb7966c8be0ca922de8a064264ea6bcd4",
"platform": "Ronin Network",
"tx_ref": "0x756f1654a8464675800d40138f61b9a0dd4a37b07066181916aa43fe617a3c04"