List NFT collections on Ronin Market with Dev Console
Using the Ronin Developer Console, you can list your NFT collection on the Ronin Market. This guide provides a detailed, step-by-step tutorial to help you with the listing process. The review process typically takes 24 hours on working days, after which your collection will be visible and tradable on the marketplace.
Before listing your collection, ensure you have the below:
- An NFT contract (ERC1155 or ERC721) deployed on Ronin Mainnet or Saigon Testnet.
- The NFT contract owner’s address must be accessible in your Ronin Wallet for signing the request.
Once you have those, lets get started.
Go to Collection Listing in Ronin Developer Console
- Log in to the Ronin Developer Console at
- Select your Project.
- Under your Project, go to Ronin Marketplace and select Collection Listing.

Create an NFT Listing Request
Choose the chain based on your purpose:
Ronin Mainnet
- Requires a 24-hour approval process (on working days).
- Once approved, your collection will be available on Ronin Market.
Saigon Testnet
- For testing purposes to preview metadata, banners, and avatars.
- Collections are instantly available upon submission on Ronin Market Testnet.

Click “List New Collection” on the top right.

A Draft Collection Information dialog will appear.
Fill in:
- Collection Display Name: Your collection’s name.
- Collection Address: The deployed contract address on the selected blockchain.
Then click on Create Draft Collection.

Populate Collection Request Details
Select the newly created collection draft then in the collection, provide the required collection details:

Key Fields to Configure:
1. Slug
By default, your collection’s link will be its contract address:
A custom slug makes your link readable and improves SEO:
Allowed characters: lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens (-), and underscores (_) only.
2. Show at (UTC)
The time when your collection becomes visible to the public. Make sure this is set in UTC.
3. Tradable at (UTC)
The time when trading starts on Ronin Marketplace. Useful if you want to restrict secondary trading until after a primary sale. Ensure this is set in UTC.
4. Creator Name
The name of the creator behind the project.
5. Avatar
A square image representing the collection.
Maximum file size: 500KB.
6. Banner
A banner image displayed on the collection page.
Maximum file size: 1MB.
Optional information:
- Short Description: A brief overview of your collection.
- Official Website: Your project’s website URL.
- Discord: Discord invite link.
- X (Twitter): Official Twitter/X profile URL.
Submit the Request
In the final step, you must prove ownership of the NFT collection:
The system will present the collection owner address. You will be asked to connect your Ronin Wallet and sign a verification message.
Ownership verification is based on your NFT contract’s implementation:
- OpenZeppelin Ownable: Ownership is determined by the owner field.
- OpenZeppelin Access Module: Ownership is assigned to the address with admin roles.
Once your Ronin Wallet is connected, click “Sign & Submit”.

Wait for result
Your submission will be reviewed and response in 24 hours.
If you need further help, please contact support through Discord tech chat.
Happy listing!