Recover a wallet from backup
This guide describes how to retrieve a backup of the user's client key shard stored in the Sky Mavis's key management service.
The backup is essential for accessing the user's wallet on a new device or client. The recovery process involves fetching the encrypted client key shard from the Sky Mavis server and decrypting it using the user's recovery kit.
- Complete the steps in Create a keyless wallet
- Complete the steps in Send a transaction
Step 1. Verify wallet creation
Form a request to the Ronin Account service to verify the wallet creation.
X-API-Key: {YOUR_API_KEY} // API key from the Ronin Developer Console
Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN} // User's access token
"ronin_address": "<string>",
"wallet_type": "mpc"
The ronin_address
field must match the wallet public key. The wallet_type
field must be equal to mpc
Step 2. Get client shard backup from Sky Mavis
- Web
- Unity
Function signature:
async function getBackupClientShard()
Name | Type | Description |
key | String | Encrypted client key shard from an existing backup. |
updatedAt | String | Latest time update. |
const result = await lockbox.getBackupClientShard();
console.log("Encrypted client shard: ", result.key);
Task<(string, MPCError)> MPC.GetBackupKey()
var (encryptedKey, error) = await MPC.GetBackupKey();
if (error != null) {
Debug.LogError($"Error when getting backup of private key shard: {error.message}");
else {
Debug.Log($"Key backup retrieved from server: {encryptedKey}");
Step 3. Decrypt the client shard
During the wallet creation process, you asked the user to create a passphrase to encrypt the private key shard. At this step, collect this passphrase from the user to decrypt the shard.
- Web
- Unity
Lockbox generates a recovery kit that users can enter to decrypt the key in case of a passphrase loss.
Function signature:
async function decryptClientShard(encryptedClientShard: string, passphrase? : string, recoveryPhrase? : string)
Name | Type | Required | Description |
encryptedClientShard | String | Required | The client shard encrypted with the passphrase. |
passphrase | String | Optional | The passphrase used to encrypt the client shard. |
recoveryPhrase | String | Optional | The set of words generated when encrypting the client shard during wallet creation. Default is 8 words. |
Name | Type | Description |
key | String | The decrypted client shard. |
const clientShard = await lockbox.decryptClientShard(
console.log("Client shard: ", clientShard);
Task<(string, MPCError)> MPC.DecryptData(string encryptedKey, string passphrase);
string encryptedKey = $"{ENCRYPTED_KEY}";
string passphrase = $"{RECOVERY_PASSWORD}";
var (privateKeyShard, error) = await MPC.DecryptData(encryptedKey, passphrase);
if (error != null) {
Debug.LogError($"Error when getting decrypted data: {error.message}");
else {
Debug.Log($"Decrypted private key shard: {privateKeyShard}");