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August 29, 2024

Mavis ID rebranded to Ronin Waypoint

Our Mavis ID service is now called Ronin Waypoint. We updated the documentation and code examples to reflect this change. You can find the docs here: Ronin Waypoint.

Guides tab

In the Guides tab, the previous categories Mavis services, Ronin services, and Axie services are restructured under Products, Third-party integrations, and Guidelines:

  • The Products category is a list of integration documentation organized by our own products and services. This documentation is used by game developers and engineering leads in game studios to estimate integration efforts and carry out the actual technical integrations.
  • The Third-party integrations category contains documentation for third-party services that we support. This section might be expanded in the future.
  • The Guidelines category contains our event preparation guidelines, which provide some best practices on handling high-load events like token airdrops of NFT mints in Mavis Market.

API reference tab

In the API reference tab, the GraphQL API pages for Axie, Katana, and Mavis Market are now merged into the existing GraphQL Playground page. The tab now focuses on the actual reference documentation for our REST and JSON-RPC APIs.