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Sponsor gas fees


This guides walks you through the process of implementing gas sponsorship using Ronin Waypoint. The process involves registering your game's smart contract for gas sponsorship, depositing RON into a payer wallet, and sending transactions using the Ronin Waypoint SDK.

For explanation of gas sponsorship, see About gas sponsorship.


Step 1. Apply for gas sponsorship

  1. Have a smart contract that you want to sponsor deployed on Ronin. For more information, see Deploy a smart contract.
  2. Submit the contract address to Sky Mavis for allowlisting.
  3. Wait for Sky Mavis to create a payer wallet for your project.
  4. Deposit RON into the payer wallet and monitor the balance. For ways to buy RON, see Acquire RON tokens.

Step 2. Send a sponsored transaction using the SDK

To send a sponsored transaction, implement a function call to your allowlisted smart contract using the Ronin Waypoint SDK:

When users interact with your contract, Ronin Waypoint will automatically apply sponsorship and charge your payer wallet.