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Ronin Waypoint Android SDK


The Ronin Waypoint Android SDK lets developers integrate the account and wallet features of the Ronin Waypoint service into Android apps developed with Kotlin. After the integration, users can sign in to your game with their Ronin Waypoint account and connect their keyless wallet for instant in-game transactions.

GitHub repository: skymavis/waypoint-android.


  • All functions of the SDK return a string in the format of the deep link schema that you registered in the Developer Console. For example, mydapp://callback.
  • To parse deep links returned by the SDK, use the Deep link parser utility or implement your own parser.


  • Authorize users: let users sign in to your app with Ronin Waypoint to connect their keyless wallet and an optional externally owned account (EOA) wallet.
  • Send transactions: transfer RON, ERC-20 tokens, and make contract calls for in-game transactions.
  • Sign messages and typed data: prove ownership of a wallet or sign structured data.


  • Android API level 24 or later.
  • An app created in the Developer Console.
  • Permission to use the Sky Mavis Account service. Request in the Developer Console under your app > App Permission > Sky Mavis Account (OAuth 2.0) > Request Access.
  • A client ID that you can find in the Developer Console under Products > Waypoint Service > CLIENT ID (APPLICATION ID).
  • A redirect URI registered in the Developer Console under Products > Waypoint Service > REDIRECT URI.

For more information about the initial setup, see Get started.


Step 1. Install the SDK

Import the library

  1. In your Android project, create a libs directory.
  2. Download the Ronin Waypoint Android SDK release package and extract the contents into libs.
  3. In your app's build.gradle file, add the following dependency:
dependencies {
implementation files("libs/waypoint-0.1.0.aar")

Configure Gradle

In settings.gradle, include the Maven repository URL:

maven {
url = uri("")

Add the dependency to build.gradle:

dependencies {

Configure Android Manifest

Update your app's AndroidManifest.xml file with the redirect URI that you registered in the Developer Console:

<intent-filter android:label="">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
<!-- Accepts URIs that begin with "deeplinkSchema://callback -->
<data android:scheme="${deeplink_Schema}" android:host="callback" />

Step 2. Initialize the SDK

Initialize the client:

// Testnet configuration
val redirectUri = "mydapp://callback"
val clientId = "{YOUR_CLIENT_ID}"
val waypointOrigin = ""
val chainId = 2021
val rpcUrl = ""

client = Waypoint(


  • redirectUri: the redirect URI registered in the Developer Console.
  • clientId: the client ID registered in the Developer Console.
  • waypointOrigin: the base URL of Ronin Waypoint for all API calls. Use for production and for staging.
  • chainId: the ID of the Ronin chain you want to connect to. Use 2021 for the Saigon testnet and 2020 for the Ronin mainnet.
  • rpcUrl: the RPC endpoint through which you want to connect to Ronin. The example uses a public endpoint for the Saigon testnet: For more information, see RPC endpoints.

Step 3. Authorize a user

Initializes the authorization process, allowing a user to sign in or sign up for a Ronin Waypoint account, and connect their wallet. Returns an authorization response containing an ID token and the user's keyless wallet address.

fun authorize(context: Context, redirectUri: String): String


  • context: the Android context of the app.
  • redirectUri: the redirect URI registered in the Developer Console.


// Request ID
val state = client.authorize(context, redirectUri)

// Parse the URI and create a Result object containing the response data
var result = Result.from(uri)

println("Is success: ${result.isSuccess}")
println("Method: ${result.method}")
println("Address: ${result.address}")
println("Data: ${}")
println("State: ${result.state}")

Step 4. Validate the ID token

After receiving the ID token from the authorization response, validate it and issue an access token to allow access to your server's resources. For more information, see Validate ID token.

Step 5. Interact with the wallet

Transfer the native token

Transfers RON tokens to a recipient's address, returning a transaction response containing the transaction hash.

fun sendTransaction(context: Context, redirectUri: String, to: String, value: String): String


  • context: the Android context of the app.
  • redirectUri: the redirect URI registered in the Developer Console.
  • to: the recipient address.
  • value: the amount of RON to send, specified in wei (1 RON = 10^18 wei).

Example: transfer 0.1 RON to the recipient address.

import com.skymavis.sdk.waypoint.Waypoint
import com.skymavis.sdk.waypoint.Result

// Recipient address
val to = "0xD36deD8E1927dCDD76Bfe0CC95a5C1D65c0a807a";

// 0.1 RON in wei
val value = "1000000000000000000";

// Request ID
val state = client.sendTransaction(context, redirectUri, to, value);

// Parse the URI and create a Result object containing the response data
var result = Result.from(uri)

println("Is success: ${result.isSuccess}")
println("Method: ${result.method}")
println("Address: ${result.address}")
println("Data: ${}")
println("State: ${result.state}")

Sign a message

Signs a plain text message, returning a transaction response containing the signature.

fun signMessage(context: Context, redirectUri: String, message: String): String


  • context: the Android context of the app.
  • redirectUri: the redirect URI registered in the Developer Console.
  • message: the message to sign.

Example: sign the message accepting the terms and conditions.

// Message to sign
val message = "I accept the terms and conditions.";

// Request ID
val state = client.personalSign(context, redirectUri, message)

// Parse the URI and create a Result object containing the response data
var result = Result.from(uri)

println("Is success: ${result.isSuccess}")
println("Method: ${result.method}")
println("Address: ${result.address}")
println("Data: ${}")
println("State: ${result.state}")

Sign typed data

Signs typed data structured according to the EIP-712 standard, returning a transaction response containing the signature.

fun signTypedData(context: Context, redirectUri: String, typedData: String): String


  • context: the Android context of the app.
  • redirectUri: the redirect URI registered in the Developer Console.
  • typedData: a JSON string that specifies the EIP-712 typed structured data to be signed by the user.

Example: sign typed data for an order on Axie Marketplace.

// Typed data to sign
val typedData = """{"types":{"Asset":[{"name":"erc","type":"uint8"},{"name":"addr","type":"address"},{"name":"id","type":"uint256"},{"name":"quantity","type":"uint256"}],"Order":[{"name":"maker","type":"address"},{"name":"kind","type":"uint8"},{"name":"assets","type":"Asset[]"},{"name":"expiredAt","type":"uint256"},{"name":"paymentToken","type":"address"},{"name":"startedAt","type":"uint256"},{"name":"basePrice","type":"uint256"},{"name":"endedAt","type":"uint256"},{"name":"endedPrice","type":"uint256"},{"name":"expectedState","type":"uint256"},{"name":"nonce","type":"uint256"},{"name":"marketFeePercentage","type":"uint256"}],"EIP712Domain":[{"name":"name","type":"string"},{"name":"version","type":"string"},{"name":"chainId","type":"uint256"},{"name":"verifyingContract","type":"address"}]},"domain":{"name":"MarketGateway","version":"1","chainId":2021,"verifyingContract":"0xfff9ce5f71ca6178d3beecedb61e7eff1602950e"},"primaryType":"Order","message":{"maker":"0xd761024b4ef3336becd6e802884d0b986c29b35a","kind":"1","assets":[{"erc":"1","addr":"0x32950db2a7164ae833121501c797d79e7b79d74c","id":"2730069","quantity":"0"}],"expiredAt":"1721709637","paymentToken":"0xc99a6a985ed2cac1ef41640596c5a5f9f4e19ef5","startedAt":"1705984837","basePrice":"500000000000000000","endedAt":"0","endedPrice":"0","expectedState":"0","nonce":"0","marketFeePercentage":"425"}}""";

// Request ID
val state = client.signTypedData(context, redirectUri, typedData)

// Parse the URI and create a Result object containing the response data
var result = Result.from(uri)

println("Is success: ${result.isSuccess}")
println("Method: ${result.method}")
println("Address: ${result.address}")
println("Data: ${}")
println("State: ${result.state}")

Call a contract

Executes a custom transaction on a smart contract, returning a transaction response containing the transaction hash.

fun callContract(context: Context, redirectUri: String, contractAddress: String, data: String, value: String): String


  • context: the Android context of the app.
  • redirectUri: the redirect URI registered in the Developer Console.
  • contractAddress: the address of the smart contract on which to execute the transaction.
  • data: the transaction data to send to the smart contract, encoded as a hex string.
  • value: the amount of RON in wei (1 RON = 10^18 wei) to send along with the transaction. For non-payable smart contracts, the value is 0x0.

Example: allow another contract to spend 1 AXS on user's behalf.

// Contract address
val contractAddress = "0x3c4e17b9056272ce1b49f6900d8cfd6171a1869d";
// Data for approving 1 AXS
val data =
// No RON is being sent
val value = "0x0"
// Request ID
val state = client.callContract(

// Parse the URI and create a Result object containing the response data
var result = Result.from(uri)

println("Is success: ${result.isSuccess}")
println("Method: ${result.method}")
println("Address: ${result.address}")
println("Data: ${}")
println("State: ${result.state}")


Use the Result.from(uri: Uri) function to parse a deep link returned by a function and assign it to a Result object. This object contains information about the response, including whether the operation was successful, the method called, and additional details such as the user's keyless wallet address, data like transaction hashes, and state.

import com.skymavis.sdk.waypoint.Result

// Parse the deep link URI into a Result object
var result = Result.from(uri)

// Access and print the parsed response details
println("Is success: ${result.isSuccess}")
println("Method: ${result.method}")
println("Address: ${result.address}")
println("Data: ${}")
println("State: ${result.state}")


Response types

Authorization response

Ronin Waypoint returns an authorization response after a user connects their wallet to your app.

Successful authorization

Response parameters:

  • state: a unique random identifier used to manage requests from the client to Ronin Waypoint.
  • method: the method used for the request (auth).
  • version: the version of the Ronin Waypoint service.
  • type: the response type (success).
  • data: the ID token that contains encoded user information.
  • address: the user's keyless wallet address.
Authorization error

Response parameters:

  • type: the response type (fail).
  • code: the error code.
  • message: a message describing the error.

Transaction response

Ronin Waypoint returns a transaction response after a user sends a transaction, signs a message, signs typed data, or calls a contract on the blockchain.

Successful transaction

Response parameters:

  • state: a unique random identifier used to manage requests from the client to Ronin Waypoint.
  • method: the method used for the request (send for transactions and sign for signing).
  • version: the version of the Ronin Waypoint service.
  • type: the response type (success).
  • data: the transaction hash.
Transaction error

Response parameters:

  • type: the response type (fail).
  • code: the error code.
  • message: a message describing the error.


Where can I find the client ID?

To find your app's client ID, open the Developer Console, then click Waypoint Service, and then in the Client credentials section, locate the CLIENT ID (APPLICATION ID) field.

Where can I find the chain ID?

The chain ID is 2020 for the Ronin mainnet and 2021 for the Saigon testnet.