Send a transaction request
This guide explains how to send a transaction request from your app to Ronin
Wallet using the window.ronin.provider
provider object.
Before requesting a transaction, your app must know which wallet address the user is using. To retrieve the user's addresses, see Get user wallet addresses.
Request a send RON transaction
To request a transaction, call the eth_requestTransaction
method with a valid transaction
object. For example, the following script requests a send RON transaction:
const sendRON = async () => {
const userAddresses = await getUserAddresses()
try {
await window.ronin.provider.request({
method: "eth_sendTransaction",
params: [{
to: "0xaddress",
from: userAddresses[0],
value: "0xDE0B6B3A7640000", // 1000000000000000000, 1 RON
gas: "0x5208",
data: "",
} catch (error) {
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