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July 22, 2024

Mavis ID

Published developer documentation for the Mavis ID service:

  • Overview: key features, benefits, components of Mavis ID.
  • Get started: register your app to get an app ID, request access, configure the client.
  • User journey: hands-on flow from the end user's perspective. Developers should follow along the steps to get a feel for how Mavis ID works.
  • SDK guides:
    • Use Mavis ID in Unity: a step-by-step guide for integrating Mavis ID into Unity games deployed to mobile (Google Play Store, Apple App Store) and desktop (Mavis Hub) platforms.
    • Use Mavis ID in TypeScript: a step-by-step guide for integrating Mavis ID into browser games written in JavaScript or TypeScript.
    • Use Mavis ID in Android: a step-by-step guide for integrating Mavis ID into decentralized apps on Android.
  • Validate ID tokens: when a user grants authorization to a client app, Mavis ID responds with an ID token containing user information. This guide describes how to verify the user's identity and issue your own access token, allowing the user to interact with the backend server.
  • Glossary: the essential terms and definitions.
  • FAQ: common questions about Mavis ID.
  • Troubleshooting: known issues and glossary of errors.
  • Gas sponsorship: explains how Mavis ID handles sponsored transactions.