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Ronin Waypoint Web Standard SDK


The Ronin Waypoint Web SDK lets developers integrate Ronin Waypoint into dapps developed with JavaScript or TypeScript.

The SDK provides the WaypointProvider, an EIP-1193-compatible wallet provider, letting developers use it with JavaScript Ethereum libraries, such as Ethers.jsweb3.js, or viem.

GitHub repository: skymavis/waypoint-js.


  • Authorize users: let users sign in to your app with Ronin Waypoint to connect their keyless wallet and an optional externally owned account (EOA) wallet.
  • Wallet provider: interact with the user's keyless wallet using the wallet provider, compatible with the EIP-1193 standard.


Permission to use the Ronin Waypoint Account Service. For more information, see Setup and configuration.



To install the SDK, use the following command:

npm install @sky-mavis/waypoint


import { WaypointProvider } from "@sky-mavis/waypoint";

const walletProvider = WaypointProvider.create({
clientId: "<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>",
chainId: chainId,

Parameters for the WaypointProvider.create method:

clientIdRequiredThe client ID from the Ronin Developer Console. For more information, see Ronin Waypoint settings.
chainIdRequiredThe chain ID: 2021 for Saigon testnet, 2020 for Ronin mainnet.
redirectUrlOptionalEquivalent to the REDIRECT URI configured in Ronin Waypoint settings. Default is window.location.origin.
scopesOptionalThe OAuth 2.0 scope. Available values are openid, profile, email, and wallet. In WaypointProvider.create method, the default scopes are ['openid','wallet'].
More about scopes

This table describes the scopes available for authorization with Ronin Waypoint.

openidOIDCInforms the authorization server that your app is making an OpenID connect request. This is tied to the subject (sub) in the ID token, typically the user ID in Ronin Waypoint. Without this scope, the user can't authenticate.
profileOIDCRequests access to the user's profile name. Without this scope, your app can't access this information.
emailOIDCRequests the user's email address. Without this scope, your app can't access this information.
walletCustomAn optional scope that allows your app to connect to the user's keyless wallet for blockchain transactions. Without this scope, your app can't access the wallet.

The wallet scope behavior:

  • If wallet is included, then when the user signs up or signs in, they must create a keyless wallet or connect the existing wallet. Ronin Waypoint returns the ID token and the user's wallet address. The client can access the wallet for blockchain interactions.
  • If wallet is not included, then when the user signs up or signs in, they can skip creating a keyless wallet. Ronin Waypoint returns the ID token that the client can use to verify the user's identity and issue an access token. The client can request the user to create a keyless wallet later.


User authorization

Initializes the authorization process, allowing a user to sign in or sign up for a Ronin Waypoint account, and connect their wallet. Returns an waypoint token and the user's addresses. Two methods are available for authorizing users: popup and redirect. See the popup code example and redirect code example.

  • Popup mode opens a new window for a user to authorize. After the user authorizes, the service closes the window and returns the result.

    import { authorize } from '@sky-mavis/waypoint';

    const result = await authorize({
    mode: 'popup'
    clientId: '<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>',
    scopes: ['openid','wallet']

  • Redirect mode redirects your site to the Ronin Waypoint authorization page. After the user authorizes, the service redirects back to your page with the result in the URL. For additional security, you can send a state parameter to the authorization page and get it back in the result.

    import { authorize } from '@sky-mavis/waypoint';
    mode: 'redirect',
    clientId: '<YOUR_CLIENT_ID>',
    redirectUrl: '<YOUR_REDIRECT_URL>',
    state: '<state>'
    scopes: ['openid','wallet']
    import { parseRedirectUrl } from '@sky-mavis/waypoint';
    import { useEffect } from 'react';
    useEffect(() => {
    const result = parseRedirectUrl();
    }, []);

Parameters for the authorize method:

clientIdRequiredThe client ID from the Ronin Developer Console. For more information, see Get started.
modeRequiredThe authorization mode: popup or redirect.
redirectUrlOptionalEquivalent to the REDIRECT URI configured in Ronin Waypoint settings. Default is window.location.origin. If you use the redirect mode, when the user authorizes, the service redirects back to this URL with the authorization result.
stateOptionalAn optional parameter to send to the authorization page and get back in the result (available in redirect mode only).
scopesOptionalThe OAuth 2.0 scope. The openid, profile, email, wallet scopes are available for authorization.
More about scopes

This table describes the scopes available for authorization with Ronin Waypoint.

openidOIDCInforms the authorization server that your app is making an OpenID connect request. This is tied to the subject (sub) in the ID token, typically the user ID in Ronin Waypoint. Without this scope, the user can't authenticate.
profileOIDCRequests access to the user's profile name. Without this scope, your app can't access this information.
emailOIDCRequests the user's email address. Without this scope, your app can't access this information.
walletCustomAn optional scope that allows your app to connect to the user's keyless wallet for blockchain transactions. Without this scope, your app can't access the wallet.

The wallet scope behavior:

  • If wallet is included, then when the user signs up or signs in, they must create a keyless wallet or connect the existing wallet. Ronin Waypoint returns the ID token and the user's wallet address. The client can access the wallet for blockchain interactions.
  • If wallet is not included, then when the user signs up or signs in, they can skip creating a keyless wallet. Ronin Waypoint returns the ID token that the client can use to verify the user's identity and issue an access token. The client can request the user to create a keyless wallet later.

Result fields for the authorize or parseRedirectUrl method:

tokenThe waypoint token.
addressThe user's keyless wallet address.
secondaryAddressThe user's seed phrase address.
stateThe state parameter sent to the authorization page and returned in the result (available in redirect mode only).

Wallet interactions

Follow the steps below to connect to the Ronin Waypoint service and interact with the user's keyless wallet.

Set up Ronin Waypoint SDK

import {WaypointProvider} from '@sky-mavis/waypoint';

export const waypointProvider = WaypointProvider.create({
// Replace the following variables with your own values
clientId: '9b577a44-ce2f-44b2-a59d-dfcadfd1a93b',
chainId: 2021,

Connect with Ronin Waypoint

Live Editor
function Connect() {
  const [connectedAddress, setConnectedAddress] = useState(null);

  const handleConnect = async () => {
    const result = await waypointProvider.connect();

  const handleDisconnect = () => {

  if (!connectedAddress)
    return (
      <Button label="Connect with Ronin Waypoint" onClick={handleConnect} />

  return (
      <span>{`You have connected to Ronin Waypoint with address: ${connectedAddress}`}</span>
        label="Disconnect Ronin Waypoint"

Combine with Ethereum libraries

After the user connects their wallet, you can interact with it using the wallet provider. The provider is compatible with the EIP-1193 standard, allowing you to use common Ethereum libraries to interact with the blockchain. Below are examples of how to use the provider with different libraries:

import * as ethers from "ethers";

const wrappedProvider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(provider);

Sign messages with Ronin Waypoint

Signs plain text messages with the user's wallet.

Live Editor
function PersonalSign() {
  const [message, setMessage] = useState(null);
  const [result, setResult] = useState(null);

  const handleSign = async () => {
    const web3Provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(waypointProvider);
    const accounts = await web3Provider.listAccounts();

    if (!accounts.length) return alert('Connect to Ronin Waypoint to continue');

    const signature = await web3Provider.getSigner().signMessage(message);

  return (
        onChange={e => setMessage(}
        placeholder="Sign everything with Ronin Waypoint..."
      <Button label="Sign message" onClick={handleSign} />
      {result && <p>{`Signature: ${result}`}</p>}

Activate Atia's Blessing with Ronin Waypoint

Sends a transaction to the Atia Shrine smart contract to activate the "Atia's Blessing" feature in Axie Infinity games.

Live Editor
function ActivateAtia() {
  const handleActivate = async () => {
    const web3Provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(waypointProvider);
    const accounts = await web3Provider.listAccounts();

    if (!accounts.length) return alert('Connect to Ronin Waypoint to continue');

    const contract = new ethers.Contract(

    try {
      await contract.activateStreak(accounts[0]);
    } catch (error) {

  return <Button label={`Activate Atia's Blessing`} onClick={handleActivate} />;

Extra playground

Experience Ronin Waypoint in the Ronin Waypoint playground built with Next.js and the Ronin Waypoint Web SDK. The playground demonstrates how to connect the user's keyless wallet and interact with the wallet provider. After creating a keyless wallet, fund it with testnet RON tokens from the Ronin Faucet.