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import { HeadlessClient } from '@sky-mavis/waypoint/headless';

export const headlessClient = HeadlessClient.create({
chainId: <chain_id>,

Parameters for the HeadlessClient.create method:

chainIdRequiredThe chain ID of Ronin network. For example, choose 2020 for the Ronin mainnet or 2021 for Ronin testnet.


Delegation Authorization

After the user delegates their wallet permissions to the dApp, you can retrieve the waypointToken and clientShard from the URL parameters or the returned data. For more information, see Delegate wallet permissions to the dapp.

Connect to user's keyless wallet

Connect to the user's keyless wallet by using the headlessClient.connect method, providing both the waypointToken and the user's clientShard.

const { provider, address } = await headlessClient.connect({
waypointToken: "<waypoint_token>",
clientShard: "<client_shard>",

Parameters for the headlessClient.connect method:

waypointTokenRequiredThe token from the authorization step.
clientShardRequiredThe client shard from the authorization step.

Returns an object with the following fields:

providerThe EIP-1193 compatible wallet provider.
addressThe user's keyless wallet address.

Optional: Handle reconnect to the keyless wallet

  • When the user refreshes the page, you can reconnect to their keyless wallet using the headlessClient.connect method again. This method requires the waypointToken and the user's clientShard, both of which should be stored in client storage. For more information, see Store the token and client shard.

    const { provider, address } = await headlessClient.connect({
    waypointToken: sessionStorage.getItem("waypointToken"),
    clientShard: sessionStorage.getItem("clientShard"),

The waypointToken must not be expired. If the token has expired, you will need to ask the user to authorize again to obtain a new waypointToken. For validating the token expiration, see Validate token expiration.

Optional: Combine with the Ethereum libraries

After the user connects their wallet, they can interact with it using the wallet provider without user confirmation. Because the provider is compatible the EIP-1193 standard, you can use common Ethereum libraries to interact with the blockchain:

The following are examples of how to use the provider with these libraries:

import * as ethers from "ethers";

const wrappedProvider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(provider);

Error handling

The @sky-mavis/waypoint/headless package provides HeadlessClientError class to handle errors. You can catch the error and display the message to the user.

import { HeadlessClientError } from "@sky-mavis/waypoint/headless";

You can see the list of error codes below:

Error NameError CodeDescription
InvalidWaypointTokenError-1100The waypoint token provided is invalid, which may affect the ability to locate the required service.
InvalidClientShardError-1101The client shard specified is invalid, possibly due to incorrect formatting or an unrecognized shard.
UnsupportedTransactionTypeError-1102The transaction type specified is not supported by the current system or configuration.
PrepareTransactionError-1103An error occurred while preparing the transaction; check for missing fields or incorrect parameters.
UnsupportedChainIdError-1104The Chain ID provided is not supported by this application, leading to potential compatibility issues.
AddressIsNotMatch-1105The provided address does not match the expected format or value, which may indicate a configuration error.
ParseTypedDataError-1106An error occurred while parsing typed data, possibly due to incorrect structure or unexpected values.
Socket Errors
OpenSocketError-2200Failed to open the socket for communication, which may indicate a resource issue or configuration error.
ListenSocketMessageError-2201An error occurred while listening for messages on the socket; verify that the socket is properly initialized.
MissingMessageError-2202The expected message type (DATA or DONE) was not processed, which may disrupt communication protocols.
WASM Init Errors
WebAssemblyNotSupportedError-3300The environment does not support WebAssembly, which is required for certain functionalities.
InstantiateError-3301An error occurred during the instantiation of the WebAssembly module, possibly due to missing dependencies.
SetupGoWasmEnvError-3302An error occurred while setting up the Go WebAssembly environment, which is necessary for execution.
CreateWasmInstanceError-3303Failed to create an instance of the WebAssembly module, potentially due to resource limitations.
WASM Action Errors
HandlerNotFoundError-3304No handler was found for the specified action, which may indicate a misconfiguration or missing implementation.
WasmGetProtocolResultError-3305An error occurred while retrieving the protocol result from the WebAssembly context, possibly due to internal state issues.
WasmReceiveSocketDataError-3306Failed to receive socket data in the WebAssembly module; check for network issues or handler errors.
WasmTriggerSignError-3307An error occurred while attempting to trigger a sign action in the WebAssembly context.
WasmTriggerKeygenError-3308An error occurred while triggering key generation in the WebAssembly environment.
Action Errors
AuthenticateError-4400An error occurred during the authentication process, possibly due to invalid credentials or communication issues.
DecryptClientShardError-4401Failed to decrypt the client shard, which may indicate issues with the encryption keys or algorithms used.
EncryptClientShardError-4402An error occurred during the encryption of the client shard, potentially due to invalid input data.
BackupClientShardError-4403An error occurred while attempting to back up the client shard, which may affect data recovery processes.
InvalidSignatureError-4404The provided signature is invalid, which may compromise the integrity of the transaction or message.
SendTransactionError-4405An error occurred while attempting to send the transaction; verify that all required fields are correctly populated.
UnknownError-9900An unspecified error occurred, which may require further investigation to identify the root cause.

Next steps

See implementation examples of the @sky-mavis/waypoint/headless package in the Example code.