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Connect to an archive node


Building dApps (decentralized applications) or data-driven projects on Ronin often requires access to the blockchain's historical layers. Archive nodes are nodes that maintain a complete history of all states changes since the inception of the blockchain, not just the recent data like standard RPC (remote procedure call) nodes. This comprehensive data access is crucial for complex queries such as extracting historical balances or changes in contract states.


  • An app created in the Developer Console.
  • API key for request authentication. You can find it in Developer Console > your app > Information > KEY.
  • Access to the archive node. Request it in Developer Console > your app > App Permissions > Ronin Archive Node.

For more information, see Get started.

Connect to the archive node

To connect to the archive node, point your dApp to the archive endpoint:

See also

Ronin JSON-RPC API reference