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November 22, 2023


Webhooks, a developer tool that enables apps to automatically get notified upon the occurrence of various events, such as transactions, address activities, and smart contract events. For more information, see Webhooks.


  • Renamed "APIs and SDKs" to "Services" to better reflect the contents of the page: Services.
  • Updated screenshots in Get started for a more consistent experience.
  • Changed the directory structure for the developer tools documentation.

October 2, 2023


App Tracking

Consolidated previously separate explanation topics into one integration guide: Integrate using the API.


App Tracking

The API integration guide stated that in the identify events, the user_id should be sent before identifying the user. This could lead to a double-count of the daily active users (DAU). This has been fixed.

September 8, 2023

Documentation for implementing the flow that lets you link a user's Ronin Wallet to their Sky Mavis Account or their account in your app.


A guide for implementing the flow that lets your users link Ronin Wallet to their account in your app. The user's account can be their Sky Mavis Account or the account in your app's system. When the wallet is connected to the account, the user can sign transactions using the Ronin Wallet browser extension or mobile app. For more information, see Link Ronin Wallet with Sky Mavis Account.

In addition, you can also earn commission from every wallet that is linked to your app. For more information, see About Ronin Wallet Referral program.


  • Rearranged the sections on the starting page.
  • Updated the flowchart on the starting page to more clearly indicate that rich analytics can be collected after the integration with the App Tracking service.
  • Added Open Graph metadata tags to improve SEO and link sharing experience on social media.

August 15, 2023

Improvements across the API documentation and the site's information architecture.


Documentation about authentication, rate limits, and errors in the API tab: see Authentication, Rate limits, and Status codes.


  • The reference page with the Sky Mavis services now shows direct links to our APIs and SDKs instead of overview pages: Services.
  • The documentation for our GraphQL Playground and API request analytics is now grouped under Developer tools category on the Guides tab.
  • The Ronin Wallet's Injected Provider API is now located in the API tab: Injected Provider API.

August 8, 2023

A new wallet version has been released for desktop (v1.26.0) and mobile (v1.14.0) clients.


Wallet domain allowlist

To make it easier to integrate Ronin wallet into dApps, we decided to remove the wallet domain allowlist. Instead we're moving to a combination of session management and trusted domain system.


Session management

Following the EIP-1102 standard, from now on the Ronin wallet extension won't expose the user's wallet and addresses by default. Developers have to call eth_requestAccounts to connect to the wallet and the user can select the addresses he wants to expose to the dApp or he can completely reject the request.

For an example of the updated request flow, see Get user's wallet addresses.

Trusted domain system

With the removal of the domain allowlist system, the trusted domain system, that was already introduced with wallet version v1.24.0 (desktop) and v1.13.0 (mobile), becomes an important feature of the wallet.

  • First party domains and apps, built by Sky Mavis receive a yellow badge.
  • Apps from our partners receive a blue badge. Altough these apps are trustworthy, Sky Mavis can't guarantee the safety when a user is interacting with them.
  • Unknown apps are highlighted with a question mark and users will be asked to be cautious.

For more information about the trusted domain system, see About trusted domain system.

August 3, 2023

This release brings a flurry of developer features to Ronin and introduces our revamped developer documentation site.


Ronin VRF

Ronin VRF (Verifiable Random Function) is now available to developers in our ecosystem. This creates the opportunity to experiment with random value generation backed by cryptographic proof.

For more information, see Integrate with Ronin VRF.

Ronin Wallet SDK

We removed the previous allowlist requirement for the Ronin Wallet Javascript SDK, and released a public version that will empower developers to tap into Ronin’s infrastructure and user base.

For more information, see Ronin Wallet JS SDK.

Ronin RPC services

  • JSON-RPC API: RPC methods that clients can use to make requests to the Ronin node to perform actions like sending a transaction or retrieving a wallet’s balance. This gives game developers the freedom to integrate blockchain data into the experiences they create for their users.
  • WebSockets: an implementation of a WebSocket protocol that enables you to subscribe to real-time updates on Ronin. Developers will no longer need to make manual HTTP requests when looking for specific information.
  • Archive Node: a Ronin archive node that unlocks the ability to query historical data on Ronin such as past transactions, activities, and balances.

For more information, see Ronin RPC.


Revamped developer documentation

We’ve migrated the website from ReadMe to Docusaurus—an open-source documentation site generator. This migration retains familiar sections like Docs, API, and Changelog while enabling our team to contribute to the documentation through a docs-as-code workflow.

The developer documentation layout has also been restructured using the Diataxis framework. This is a way to organize technical documentation that anticipates developers’ needs.

Together, these updates to our developer documentation make it easier than ever for developers to access the content they’re looking for and contribute to our ecosystem.

For more information, see Documentation structure.