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March 20, 2024


General reference

Guidelines on load testing, scalability, and reliability to help developers prepare for high-load events, such as NFT sales or token airdrops: Event preparation guidelines.

Ronin Wallet

A guide on integrating with mobile wallet's in-app browser using deep links: Integrate with mobile wallet using deep links.


Removed the categories from the API reference tab for a more uniformed look: API reference.


Replaced the staging domain .one with the production .com across a few guides and API references.

March 12, 2024


Smart contract verification

A section on veryfing a smart contract's source code using Foundry and Sourcify: Verify a smart contract.


Mavis Market

Changes in the Mavis Market NFT metadata standards document:

  • Added an explainer on the use of nested attributes.
  • Added a caution block on the use of the accepted key names in NFT metadata.
  • Clarified that developers can use numeric and string attributes when storing NFT metadata in a properties object.

For details, see Metadata standards.

Ronin Wallet

Changes in the explanation page about Ronin's Trusted Domain System:

  • Added a section on registering an app in the system.
  • Updated the screenshots for each trust level.

For details, see Trusted Domain System.


The guide on using the App Tracking's Unity SDK. The remaining option is to use the Trackign API: (/mavis/app-tracking/guides/tracking-api).

February 28, 2024


  • Sidebar navigation in the Guides and API reference sections.
  • Content on the Get started page in the Guides section: Get started.
  • Title and content on the Introduction page in the API reference section: Introduction.
  • Replaced the outdated Axie Mixer documentation with the links to the Axie Generator Tool Kit documentation on GitHub: Axie Generator Toolkit

January 23, 2024


Mavis Pay integration documentation: see Mavis Pay.


The URL of the Mavis Store integration guide from to

December 4, 2023


Some API signatures to adapt frontend libraries issues relating with GET with bodies requests.

In the meantime, we still keep old APIs functional, but clients should switch to new APIs soon as we will remove those in early 2024.

November 22, 2023


Webhooks, a developer tool that enables apps to automatically get notified upon the occurrence of various events, such as transactions, address activities, and smart contract events. For more information, see Webhooks.


  • Renamed "APIs and SDKs" to "Services" to better reflect the contents of the page: Services.
  • Updated screenshots in Get started for a more consistent experience.
  • Changed the directory structure for the developer tools documentation.