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This documentation demonstrates how you can integrate into your decentralized applications (dApps).

What is is a hot-wallet service that allows users to link their cold wallets with a hot wallet, enabling the hot wallet to act on behalf of the cold wallet.

A hot wallet is stored directly on your computer, which can be a security risk if you have malware, keyloggers or other malicious software on the computer. If a hacker gains control of the computer, they can sign transactions, export private keys, and perform other malicious actions.

A cold wallet, on the other hand, is stored on a dedicated piece of hardware. To sign transactions, you need physical access to the wallet. By linking the two wallets, users can delegate certain permissions or tasks to the hot wallet, allowing it to perform specific actions on behalf of the cold wallet:


Smart contract developers can import the IDelegateRegistry.sol interface into their smart contracts to interact with the deployed registry address. For more information, see Smart contract integration.

Frontend developers can use the JavaScript SDK or HTTP REST API to fetch a list of incoming and outgoing delegations for a connected address. For more information, see JavaScript (JS) SDK and API integration.


Besides the examples provided in the guides, we recommend that you explore the official documentation for more information.