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This documentation gives some examples on integrating the service into your dApp. enables users to link cold wallets with a hot wallet, and then the hot wallet can act on behalf of the cold wallet, like crypto power-of-attorney.

Besides the examples provided in the nested guides, we recommend that you explore the official documentation for more information.

Contract address

You can find the Delegate registry on the Ronin mainnet and Saigon testnet under the same address: 0x00000000000000447e69651d841bd8d104bed493.

Contract interface

// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
pragma solidity >=0.8.13;

* @title IDelegateRegistry
* @custom:version 2.0
* @custom:author foobar (0xfoobar)
* @notice A standalone immutable registry storing delegated permissions from one address to another
interface IDelegateRegistry {
/// @notice Delegation type, NONE is used when a delegation does not exist or is revoked
enum DelegationType {

/// @notice Struct for returning delegations
struct Delegation {
DelegationType type_;
address to;
address from;
bytes32 rights;
address contract_;
uint256 tokenId;
uint256 amount;

/// @notice Emitted when an address delegates or revokes rights for their entire wallet
event DelegateAll(address indexed from, address indexed to, bytes32 rights, bool enable);

/// @notice Emitted when an address delegates or revokes rights for a contract address
event DelegateContract(address indexed from, address indexed to, address indexed contract_, bytes32 rights, bool enable);

/// @notice Emitted when an address delegates or revokes rights for an ERC721 tokenId
event DelegateERC721(address indexed from, address indexed to, address indexed contract_, uint256 tokenId, bytes32 rights, bool enable);

/// @notice Emitted when an address delegates or revokes rights for an amount of ERC20 tokens
event DelegateERC20(address indexed from, address indexed to, address indexed contract_, bytes32 rights, uint256 amount);

/// @notice Emitted when an address delegates or revokes rights for an amount of an ERC1155 tokenId
event DelegateERC1155(address indexed from, address indexed to, address indexed contract_, uint256 tokenId, bytes32 rights, uint256 amount);

/// @notice Thrown if multicall calldata is malformed
error MulticallFailed();

* ----------- WRITE -----------

* @notice Call multiple functions in the current contract and return the data from all of them if they all succeed
* @param data The encoded function data for each of the calls to make to this contract
* @return results The results from each of the calls passed in via data
function multicall(bytes[] calldata data) external payable returns (bytes[] memory results);

* @notice Allow the delegate to act on behalf of `msg.sender` for all contracts
* @param to The address to act as delegate
* @param rights Specific subdelegation rights granted to the delegate, pass an empty bytestring to encompass all rights
* @param enable Whether to enable or disable this delegation, true delegates and false revokes
* @return delegationHash The unique identifier of the delegation
function delegateAll(address to, bytes32 rights, bool enable) external payable returns (bytes32 delegationHash);

* @notice Allow the delegate to act on behalf of `msg.sender` for a specific contract
* @param to The address to act as delegate
* @param contract_ The contract whose rights are being delegated
* @param rights Specific subdelegation rights granted to the delegate, pass an empty bytestring to encompass all rights
* @param enable Whether to enable or disable this delegation, true delegates and false revokes
* @return delegationHash The unique identifier of the delegation
function delegateContract(address to, address contract_, bytes32 rights, bool enable) external payable returns (bytes32 delegationHash);

* @notice Allow the delegate to act on behalf of `msg.sender` for a specific ERC721 token
* @param to The address to act as delegate
* @param contract_ The contract whose rights are being delegated
* @param tokenId The token id to delegate
* @param rights Specific subdelegation rights granted to the delegate, pass an empty bytestring to encompass all rights
* @param enable Whether to enable or disable this delegation, true delegates and false revokes
* @return delegationHash The unique identifier of the delegation
function delegateERC721(address to, address contract_, uint256 tokenId, bytes32 rights, bool enable) external payable returns (bytes32 delegationHash);

* @notice Allow the delegate to act on behalf of `msg.sender` for a specific amount of ERC20 tokens
* @dev The actual amount is not encoded in the hash, just the existence of a amount (since it is an upper bound)
* @param to The address to act as delegate
* @param contract_ The address for the fungible token contract
* @param rights Specific subdelegation rights granted to the delegate, pass an empty bytestring to encompass all rights
* @param amount The amount to delegate, > 0 delegates and 0 revokes
* @return delegationHash The unique identifier of the delegation
function delegateERC20(address to, address contract_, bytes32 rights, uint256 amount) external payable returns (bytes32 delegationHash);

* @notice Allow the delegate to act on behalf of `msg.sender` for a specific amount of ERC1155 tokens
* @dev The actual amount is not encoded in the hash, just the existence of a amount (since it is an upper bound)
* @param to The address to act as delegate
* @param contract_ The address of the contract that holds the token
* @param tokenId The token id to delegate
* @param rights Specific subdelegation rights granted to the delegate, pass an empty bytestring to encompass all rights
* @param amount The amount of that token id to delegate, > 0 delegates and 0 revokes
* @return delegationHash The unique identifier of the delegation
function delegateERC1155(address to, address contract_, uint256 tokenId, bytes32 rights, uint256 amount) external payable returns (bytes32 delegationHash);

* ----------- CHECKS -----------

* @notice Check if `to` is a delegate of `from` for the entire wallet
* @param to The potential delegate address
* @param from The potential address who delegated rights
* @param rights Specific rights to check for, pass the zero value to ignore subdelegations and check full delegations only
* @return valid Whether delegate is granted to act on the from's behalf
function checkDelegateForAll(address to, address from, bytes32 rights) external view returns (bool);

* @notice Check if `to` is a delegate of `from` for the specified `contract_` or the entire wallet
* @param to The delegated address to check
* @param contract_ The specific contract address being checked
* @param from The cold wallet who issued the delegation
* @param rights Specific rights to check for, pass the zero value to ignore subdelegations and check full delegations only
* @return valid Whether delegate is granted to act on from's behalf for entire wallet or that specific contract
function checkDelegateForContract(address to, address from, address contract_, bytes32 rights) external view returns (bool);

* @notice Check if `to` is a delegate of `from` for the specific `contract` and `tokenId`, the entire `contract_`, or the entire wallet
* @param to The delegated address to check
* @param contract_ The specific contract address being checked
* @param tokenId The token id for the token to delegating
* @param from The wallet that issued the delegation
* @param rights Specific rights to check for, pass the zero value to ignore subdelegations and check full delegations only
* @return valid Whether delegate is granted to act on from's behalf for entire wallet, that contract, or that specific tokenId
function checkDelegateForERC721(address to, address from, address contract_, uint256 tokenId, bytes32 rights) external view returns (bool);

* @notice Returns the amount of ERC20 tokens the delegate is granted rights to act on the behalf of
* @param to The delegated address to check
* @param contract_ The address of the token contract
* @param from The cold wallet who issued the delegation
* @param rights Specific rights to check for, pass the zero value to ignore subdelegations and check full delegations only
* @return balance The delegated balance, which will be 0 if the delegation does not exist
function checkDelegateForERC20(address to, address from, address contract_, bytes32 rights) external view returns (uint256);

* @notice Returns the amount of a ERC1155 tokens the delegate is granted rights to act on the behalf of
* @param to The delegated address to check
* @param contract_ The address of the token contract
* @param tokenId The token id to check the delegated amount of
* @param from The cold wallet who issued the delegation
* @param rights Specific rights to check for, pass the zero value to ignore subdelegations and check full delegations only
* @return balance The delegated balance, which will be 0 if the delegation does not exist
function checkDelegateForERC1155(address to, address from, address contract_, uint256 tokenId, bytes32 rights) external view returns (uint256);

* ----------- ENUMERATIONS -----------

* @notice Returns all enabled delegations a given delegate has received
* @param to The address to retrieve delegations for
* @return delegations Array of Delegation structs
function getIncomingDelegations(address to) external view returns (Delegation[] memory delegations);

* @notice Returns all enabled delegations an address has given out
* @param from The address to retrieve delegations for
* @return delegations Array of Delegation structs
function getOutgoingDelegations(address from) external view returns (Delegation[] memory delegations);

* @notice Returns all hashes associated with enabled delegations an address has received
* @param to The address to retrieve incoming delegation hashes for
* @return delegationHashes Array of delegation hashes
function getIncomingDelegationHashes(address to) external view returns (bytes32[] memory delegationHashes);

* @notice Returns all hashes associated with enabled delegations an address has given out
* @param from The address to retrieve outgoing delegation hashes for
* @return delegationHashes Array of delegation hashes
function getOutgoingDelegationHashes(address from) external view returns (bytes32[] memory delegationHashes);

* @notice Returns the delegations for a given array of delegation hashes
* @param delegationHashes is an array of hashes that correspond to delegations
* @return delegations Array of Delegation structs, return empty structs for nonexistent or revoked delegations
function getDelegationsFromHashes(bytes32[] calldata delegationHashes) external view returns (Delegation[] memory delegations);

* ----------- STORAGE ACCESS -----------

* @notice Allows external contracts to read arbitrary storage slots
function readSlot(bytes32 location) external view returns (bytes32);

* @notice Allows external contracts to read an arbitrary array of storage slots
function readSlots(bytes32[] calldata locations) external view returns (bytes32[] memory);
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