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This FAQ answers common questions about Mavis ID, a decentralized identity solution for Web3 games and dApps.


Where can I find the client ID?

To find your app's client ID, open the Developer Console, then click ID Service, and then in the Client credentials section, locate the CLIENT ID (APPLICATION ID) field.

Where can I find the chain ID?

The chain ID is 2020 for the Ronin mainnet and 2021 for the Saigon testnet.

What is MPC used for in Mavis ID?

MPC (multi-party computation) is a cryptographic technology used in Mavis ID to generate an embedded wallet and sign transactions. MPC replaces the traditional private key with two or more shards. One shard is stored on the user's device, the other on the Sky Mavis server. The private key is never fully assembled in one place, making the wallet more secure against hacking attempts.

What if my project already has a user authentication system?

Consider two scenarios:

  • Treat Mavis ID as only a payment method for in-game purchases.
  • Link the user's ID from your existing system to Mavis ID. Mavis ID is an OIDC (OpenID Connect) identity provider, so you can use it as another provider for your existing system:
"user_id": "player_one",
"socials": [
"provider": "skymavis",
"account_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"
"provider": "google",
"account_id": "123789456"

How do I upgrade the Mavis ID version?

Mavis ID is a web-based platform, and updates are automatically applied by Sky Mavis. You don't need to manually upgrade the Mavis ID version.

What are sponsored transactions?

Sponsored transactions are transactions where the transaction fees are paid by another entity on behalf of the user, typically the game developer or platform provider.

For more information, see Sponsored transactions.

Can other wallets be linked to Mavis ID?

Mavis ID generates an embedded wallet during user's onboarding. If a user has an existing Ronin Wallet that uses a private key, they can link this wallet to their account. Your project can then fetch both wallets as described in Handle wallets.

How are the linked wallets different?

  • A wallet linked to a user's Mavis Account supports convenient gameplay. This only proves that the user owns the wallet linked to the Mavis Account, but they can't perform transactions directly through the Mavis Account. The user must use the Ronin Wallet browser extension or mobile app.
  • An embedded wallet (Mavis ID) shows that you own a wallet and can perform transactions by logging into Mavis ID and using the recovery password.
  • Therefore, the embedded wallet address is unique to each Mavis ID and cannot be unlinked. But you can still link an additional seed phrase Ronin Wallet if you want, or unlink it.