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Retrieve user account details


This guide walks you through the steps for retrieving the details from a user's Ronin Waypoint account. You can use this information to personalize the user experience, such as displaying the user's profile name or managing their wallet addresses.

A user's Ronin Waypoint account includes the following details:

  • Up to two wallet addresses:
    • A keyless wallet that the user created during the Ronin Waypoint onboarding process, or by using email and password or social login options in the Ronin Wallet mobile app or browser extension.
    • An optional EOA (externally owned account) wallet—a seed phrase Ronin Wallet that is present if the user linked it to their Ronin Waypoint account.
  • User's profile name.


  • An app created in the Developer Console.
  • Permission to use the Sky Mavis Account service. Request in the Developer Console under your app > App Permission > Sky Mavis Account (OAuth 2.0) > Request Access.
  • The user ID of the Ronin Waypoint account whose information you want to retrieve. You can retrieve this ID from the sub claim in the ID token after the user signs in with Ronin Waypoint.

For more information, see Get started

Retrieve user information

To retrieve user information and wallet addresses, send a GET request to the user profile endpoint with the user ID.


Make sure to send the request server-side to protect your API key from being exposed and misused.


curl --location "{user_id}" \
--header "X-API-Key: {YOUR_API_KEY}" \
--header "X-App-Id: {YOUR_APP_ID}"


  • {user_id}: the user ID of the account you want to retrieve information for. For example, 1eda5fc0-76e1-6de4-8449-b3a0fde29125.
  • {YOUR_API_KEY}: your app's API key from the Developer Console.
  • {YOUR_APP_ID}: your app's unique ID from the Developer Console.


"account.wallet.identity": "0x90b2b144e02c8ad301214190f063e06f74982505", // Keyless wallet address
"account.wallet.secondary": "0x6fda69632c0393c6f740323bd402993d933a7b2b", // Optional EOA wallet linked to the account
"": "Lunacian", // User's profile name

See also

Handle different wallets associated with Ronin Waypoint.