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🔍 5. Get the check-in status of the user

To do a daily check-in for a user, you need to know whether they have already checked in today. You can do this using the address that you retrieved from Ronin Waypoint at the previous step.

Create public web3 client

In the app directory, a create web3-client.ts file:

import { createPublicClient, http } from "viem"
import { saigon } from "viem/chains"

export const web3PublicClient = createPublicClient({
transport: http(),
chain: saigon,

The web3PublicClient enables you to request information from the Ronin blockchain. For an easier and more type-safe way to interact with Ethereum, we recommend using viem.

Create placeholder file for check-in logic

  1. Create a check-in.tsx component for the check-in UI:

    import { FC, useState } from "react"
    import { Address } from "viem"

    type Props = {
    account: Address
    export const CheckIn: FC<Props> = ({ account }) => {
    return (
  2. Create use-is-checked-in.ts to hold a hook that helps you get the check-in status of a specific address:

    import { useState } from "react"
    import { Address } from "viem"

    export const useIsCheckedIn = (currentAddress: Address) => {
    const [missed, setMissed] = useState<boolean | undefined>()
    const [loading, setLoading] = useState<boolean>(false)

    return {
    data: !missed,

Get the check-in status

Go to use-is-checked-in.ts file:

const fetchIsCheckedIn = async () => {

try {
const isMissed = await web3PublicClient.readContract({
functionName: "isMissedCheckIn",
args: [currentAddress],

} catch (error) {
/* empty */

  • In this function, because you get public data from the blockchain, you should use Public Client.

  • Just pass the right functionName and args, letting viem handle the rest.

  • Remember to use setMissed for data update and setLoading for loading state.

  • After that, call fetchIsCheckedIn in useEffect.

  • Return fetchIsCheckedIn as a refetch function because you need refetch status after the user checks in.

    useEffect(() => {
    // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
    }, [currentAddress])

    return {
    data: !missed,
    refetch: fetchIsCheckedIn,

Build the UI to show check-in status

  1. Go to the check-in.tsx file.

  2. Consume useIsCheckedIn hook:

    const { data: isCheckedIn, loading, refetch: refetchCheckedIn } = useIsCheckedIn(account)
  3. Display the check-in status in the UI:

    return (
    <div className="font-semibold tracking-wider">
    {loading ? (
    <div className="text-cyan-600">Loading...</div>
    ) : (
    {isCheckedIn ? (
    <div className="text-amber-600">You are already checked in for today.</div>
    ) : (
    <div className="text-emerald-600">Please check in now!</div>
  4. Go to the page.tsx file.

  5. Render CheckIn component if the account is available:

    return (
    <main className="flex flex-col items-start min-h-screen gap-4 p-24">
    {/* OLD CODE */}

    {account && <CheckIn account={account} />}

At this step, you successfully implemented the get check-in status flow. The UI should look like this:

Next step

6. Unlock the wallet with Lockbox