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💪 8. Telegram integration

The next step of creating a Mini App is registering a web app to our bot. Follow these steps to register your web app to your Telegram bot:

  1. Deploy the game to the internet.
  2. From the list of commands of the @BotFather, click /newapp or send it as a message to the chat.
  3. Choose a bot, send its player name to the chat. In our example, we used @dailycheckinbot.
  4. Bot father asks you to enter a title. In our example, we used DailyCheckin.
  5. Then, enter a description: write something that describes the functionality of your game and the benefits that it brings to its players.
  6. Upload a 640x360 photo, just send it to the chat. For the GIF step, you can send /empty for now.
  7. Send a URL that points to the website hosting the Mini App with the protocol https, for example You need this URL later on to deploy your game.
  8. Finally, choose a short name for the web app, which is used in direct URLs that start the app. We used checkin, so our URL looks like this: